The National Church Residences Campaign
National Church Residences is committed to excellence that transforms the lives of the people it serves. The not-for-profit organization is an innovative leader in integrating housing, health care and supportive services, serving seniors of all income levels and families. With 330 communities in 28 states and Puerto Rico, National Church Residences is the nation’s largest not-for-profit provider of affordable senior housing. It also operates full-service retirement communities in Ohio and Florida, as well as supportive housing for the formerly homeIess and disabled in Ohio and Georgia. The National Church Residences model of person-centered care includes adult day health, assisted living, senior housing, skilled nursing homes, rehabilitation center, outpatient therapy, home health care and hospice. For more information, visit
Tests and Treatments
Choosing Wisely helps doctors and patients together avoid needless and even harmful procedures.
Each PDF file may be read here, printed or downloaded to the user’s own device.
Bone-Density Tests (AAFP)
- If you’re not at higher risk for weak bones, you should think twice about the bone-density test. Here’s why.
- Plain English: Bone-Density Tests
- Spanish: Pruebas de Densidad de los Huesos
Cancer Tests and Treatments (ASCO)
- Some tests, treatments, and procedures are not only unnecessary, they can even prove harmful.
- English: Cancer Tests and Treatments (ASCO)
Care at the End of Life for Advanced Cancer Patients (ASCO)
- Although it is hard to accept, the best thing for you may be to stop treatment for the cancer.
- Plain English: Care at the End of Life for Advanced Cancer Patients (ASCO)
- Spanish: Cuidados al fin de la vida para pacientes con cáncer avanzado
Colonoscopy (AGA)
- Even a very good test can be done too often.
- English: Colonoscopy (AGA)
Dental Fillings that Contain Mercury (ACMT, AACT)
- It’s not necessary to replace fillings that contain mercury.
- Plain English: Dental Fillings that Contain Mercury (ACMT, AACT)
- Spanish: Empastes dentales que contienen mercurio
EKGs and Exercise Stress Tests (AAFP)
- EKGs or exercise stress tests usually aren’t necessary for people without symptoms.
- Plain English: EKGs and Exercise Stress Tests (AAFP)
- Spanish: Los electrocardiogramas (ECG) (EKG) y las pruebas de esfuerzo durante el ejercicio
- Video: EKGs and Exercise Stress Tests (AAFP)
- Video: Los EKG y las pruebas de estrés por ejercicio — No son indicadas para todos
Health Checkups (SGIM)
- You probably don’t need that yearly checkup. In fact, it can do more harm than good.
- Plain English: Health Checkups (SGIM)
- Spanish: Exámenes médicos
Kidney Disease (ASN)
- Here are four important tests and treatments you should carefully discuss with your family and doctor
- Plain English: Kidney Disease (ASN)
- Spanish: Enfermedad Renal Crónica
Medical Tests Before Eye Surgery (AAO)
- Most people don’t need to have their blood tested or their heart checked before they have eye surgery. Here’s why.
- Plain English: Medical Tests Before Eye Surgery (AAO)
- Spanish: Pruebas médicas antes de una cirugía de ojo
Medical Tests Before Surgery
- Often, pre-operative tests are not necessary. It is not a good idea to get them just because you’re having surgery.
- Plain English: Medical Tests Before Surgery – When You Need Them, and When You Don’t
- Spanish: Pruebas médicas antes de una cirugía
Screening Tests: When You Need Them, When You Don’t
- It’s important to know which tests you need, and how often you need them.
- Plain English: Screening Tests: When You Need Them, When You Don’t
- Spanish: Pruebas de detección
Treating Sleep Problems (APA)
- If you have insomnia, antipsychotic drugs should not be the first choice of treatment.
- Plain English: Treating Sleep Problems (APA)
- Spanish: Tratamiento de problemas del sueño
Urinary Tract Infections in Older People (AGS, AMDA)
- Older adults are often tested for UTIs. But if you don’t have symptoms, the tests are not very useful.
- Plain English: Urinary Tract Infections in Older People (AGS, AMDA)
- Spanish: Pruebas y tratamientos para infecciones de las vías urinarias (UTI) en personas mayores
Antibiotics and Prescription Drugs
Choosing Wisely helps doctors and patients together avoid needless and even harmful procedures.
Each PDF file may be read here, printed or downloaded to the user’s own device.
Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Older People (AGS)
- Many older people get antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections when they don’t need it.
- Plain English: Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in Older People (AGS)
- Spanish: Antibióticos para las infecciones de las vías urinarias en personas mayores
Antibiotics For Your Skin (AAD)
- There are risks to using antibiotics needlessly on your skin. And there are better ways to control eczema and help your skin heal.
- Plain English: Antibiotics For Your Skin (AAD)
- Spanish: Antibióticos para la piel
Antibiotics: When You Need Them and When You Don’t
- When and how to use antibiotics to help you and your loved ones avoid drug resistance.
- Plain English: Antibiotics: When You Need Them and When You Don’t
- Plain English: Antibiotics: When You Need Them and When You Don’t (Complete Package)
- Spanish: Antibióticos: Cuándo se necesitan y cuándo no
Cholesterol Drugs for People Over 75 (AMDA)
- If you are age 75 or older and you haven’t had symptoms of heart disease, statins may be a bad idea.
- Plain English: Cholesterol Drugs for People Over 75 (AMDA)
- Spanish: Medicamentos para el colesterol para personas mayores de 75 años
Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis (ACR)
- The older, “non-biologic” drugs are a better first choice for treating rheumatoid arthritis.
- Plain English: Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis (ACR)
- Spanish: Cómo tratar la artritis reumatoide
Sleeping Pills for Insomnia and Anxiety in Older People (AGS)
- Older adults usually should try other non-drug treatments first, for insomnia and anxiety.
- Plain English: Sleeping Pills for Insomnia and Anxiety in Older People (AGS)
- Spanish: Insomnio y ansiedad en personas mayores
Home and Hospital Care
Choosing Wisely helps doctors and patients together avoid needless and even harmful procedures.
Each PDF file may be read here, printed or downloaded to the user’s own device.
Advice for Caregivers: Treatments and Tests for Seniors
- Some tests and treatments won’t help older adults. They may even be harmful, especially near the end of life.
- Plain English: Advice for Caregivers: Treatments and Tests for Seniors
- Spanish: Consejos para los cuidadores
Home Oxygen After a Hospital Stay (CHEST/ATS)
- Many people who use long-term home oxygen therapy don’t need it.
- Plain English: Home Oxygen After a Hospital Stay (CHEST/ATS)
- Spanish: Oxígeno en casa después de una estadía en el hospital
Palliative Care (AAHPM)
- With palliative care, you can get physical, emotional, and spiritual support at any stage of a serious illness.
- Plain English: Palliative Care (AAHPM)
- Spanish: Cuidados Paliativos
Preventing Infections in the Hospital (SHM)
- Watch out for two overused hospital medical practices, urinary catheters and ulcer drugs.
- Plain English: Preventing Infections in the Hospital (SHM)
- Spanish: Cómo prevenir las infecciones en el hospital
Unnecessary Treatments in the Emergency Room (ACEP)
- Three procedures commonly used in the emergency room are unnecessary in many cases.
- Plain English: Unnecessary Treatments in the Emergency Room (ACEP)
- Spanish: Evite tratamientos innecesarios en la sala de emergencias
When to Say ‘Whoa!’ to Doctors
- English: When to Say ‘Whoa!’ to Doctors