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Our new video: Talking points

Want to quiz your doctor about that test, diagnosis or treatment? How can you squeeze your questions into an already rushed appointment? We know it’s not easy. So here’s our newest Choosing Wisely video, Talking With Your Doctor, with tips from doctors themselves on how to get the answers you need. The video features our popular poster, five questions…

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Choosing Wisely, in real life

When does health information change behavior? When a consumer knows more about the effectiveness, safety or cost of a medical test or treatment, do they act differently the next time they’re sick? It’s an important question underlying all our campaigns. That’s why this story is so encouraging. Tierney Anderson, who blogs for The Alliance, a group of Wisconsin employers trying…

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Choosing Wisely campaign grows again

The Choosing Wisely campaign begins its third phase today, with three new lists of  “things physicians and patients should question.” The new lists were assembled by AMDA, the American College of Surgeons, and the ACS’s Commission on Cancer. More than 30 medical specialty groups will contribute their lists to this wave of the campaign, over the next several months. Choosing Wisely is part of…

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Choosing Wisely for Women

If you’ve been following us on Twitter this week, you will have picked up on a trend: Many of the Choosing Wisely topics address things that women commonly experience in the health care system: overused Pap tests and ovarian ultrasound exams, for instance. Of particular concern among procedures is the needlessly high rate of early childbirth. We’ve asked Dr. Jose Luis Mosquera, a…

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