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Pap Tests

When you need them—and when you don’t < PDF versions Pap test is a test of cells in the cervix. The cervix is the opening between the vagina and the uterus. The Pap test looks for cells that are not normal and can cause cancer of the cervix. This is also called cervical cancer. Most women ages…

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Generic Drugs

Generic Drugs Campaign Series: Money Saving Guides Medical Category: Drugs Article Type: Advice Language: English, Spanish Format: PDF, Video Most recent update: 08/21/2012 By law, all generics must have the same active ingredients as the brands they copy. They must be the same strength and work the same way as the brand-name drug. Generic drugs are not like generic cereal or…

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Colonoscopy (AGA)

Colonoscopy (AGA) Campaign Series: Choosing Wisely Medical Category: Procedures Article Type: Advice Language: Plain English, Spanish Affiliation: American Gastroenterological Association Format: HTML, PDF Most recent update: 05/11/2021 Colonoscopy is the most accurate test for cancer of the colon and rectum, proven to detect the disease early and save lives. But even a very good test can be done too often. Here’s when…

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Welcoming our Wikipedian

Welcoming our Wikipedian On 10 May, 2012 | By David Back in April, the ABIM Foundation launched the Choosing Wisely campaign, with Consumer Reports as the consumer communications leader, working with 11 organizations, including Wikipedia. Thanks in part to a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, on April 30th, Consumer Reports welcomed Lane Rasberry as our Wikipedian in Residence. Lane will guide collaboration between experts…

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Patients And Families

Patients And Families Patients and Families: Our free reports and videos, for smarter health choices From Choosing Wisely, Best Buy Drugs and our other projects, here are hundreds of guides to getting better, safer, more cost-effective care. They address real-life questions, such as whether you really need a chest X-ray before surgery, need an MRI for back…

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Breast Biopsy (CoC)

Breast Biopsy (CoC) Campaign Series: Choosing Wisely Medical Category: Procedures Article Type: Advice Language: Plain English, Spanish Affiliation: Commission on Cancer Format: HTML, PDF Most recent update: 03/27/2014 In contrast with surgical or "open" biopsy, a needle biopsy is easier on the body. Most breast biopsies do not show cancer. So if you have a needle biopsy and no cancer is found,…

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Allergy Tests

When you need them—and when you don’t <PDF versions Skin or blood tests, when combined with a doctor’s examination and your medical history, can help determine if you’re truly allergic to something you inhaled, touched, or ate. But if you don’t have symptoms or a medical evaluation that points to an allergy, you should think…

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Getting Started with Making Healthy Choices

We have something for your employees. It’s independent, evidence-based, complimentary, and from Consumer Reports. It’s called Making Healthy Choices. It’s advice on how to be a smart consumer in today’s health-care marketplace, where patients and their families are responsible for more and more of their own medical costs and decisions. Consumer Reports has developed these resources to help your…

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