Just as you’re about to fall asleep, your partner’s loud snoring wakes you up. You try to sleep again, but the snoring continues. Many people don’t even know they snore because they’re asleep. Snoring is a common problem that can cause issues in relationships and change sleeping habits. It can be hard to tell the difference between harmless snoring and serious sleep or breathing problems. A doctor may need to do a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea, which is when you stop breathing while asleep.
Most people snore sometimes, but it can be a problem for the person trying to sleep next to the snorer. Many people in the United States snore and are looking for a way to stop.
There are many tips and devices that claim to stop snoring, but they don’t always work. Be careful of anti-snoring devices that promise too much. There are over 300 anti-snoring devices with patents in the U.S., but a patent doesn’t mean they work.
One type of anti-snoring device to avoid is wrist bands or electronic shock bracelets. They don’t work. These products claim to stop snoring using advanced technology. The idea is that the wristband gives a small electronic shock to the wearer when they snore. But it’s not clear if any loud noise would cause a shock, which could disrupt sleep.
This technology is similar to dog bark collars. The collar gives a beep or two and then an electrical pulse when the dog barks. The goal is to train the dog not to bark. Some of these collars only use sound and vibration and don’t give an electrical shock.
But the wristband may shock the wearer. The shock is meant to startle the snorer to stop snoring. But it’s unlikely to work. The person wearing the wristband is not a dog and shouldn’t be treated like one.
First, it will probably wake up the wearer and disrupt their sleep, which may wake up their partner. While this may make the wearer change position to stop snoring, it may not work as well as hoped.
Second, the wearer will essentially have sleep apnea caused by the electronic shock. In other words, the wearer will be constantly woken up and may suffer from severe sleep deprivation.
Lastly, the wearer may not be able to stop snoring and the resulting electronic shock. This is like constant negative reinforcement. The wearer may have a hard time falling asleep if they’re afraid they’ll get an electric shock they can’t control.
Why is this anti-snoring device necessary?
Snoring can disturb everyone’s sleep in your home, and Sleep Connection directly addresses this issue with their new snore reduction system. It’s a personal solution for those who have trouble sleeping because of their own snoring or sleep apnea.
Sleep Connection keeps your airway open while you’re asleep without any user intervention other than wearing it to bed! It can also be worn under clothes, so no one has to know about your problem. I used to drool in my sleep, but this device has stopped that!
How does the Sleep Connection device work?
This product has two parts: a mouthguard and a breathing strip. The mouthpiece fits into your lower gums to keep the airway from collapsing when you sleep, while the strips at the back gently press on your nostrils to open them up for unrestricted airflow during sleep. I’ve been using both for about three weeks now and they’re very easy to use in bed before going to sleep!
I used to snore like Darth Vader, but my wife says she’s happy with how much quieter it has become since I started wearing these devices every night! So there’s no need to be embarrassed or worry about being scolded by others. You can just go to sleep and never have a problem with snoring again, it’s the perfect solution!
The mouthguard is made of soft silicone that easily molds around your teeth. It almost feels like you’re wearing a second set of dentures but without any discomfort or clunky feeling in my mouth. I found that because this device keeps my airway open for me, not only am I relaxed about getting enough restful sleep every night but also don’t experience morning headaches anymore. This has been a game-changer for me.
Sleep Connection Features Rechargeable:
The Sleep Connection anti-snore wristband is designed to enhance your sleep quality. It needs to be charged for about four hours before use and has a comfortable fabric strap so it doesn’t have wires that can squeeze, pinch or rub your skin. The device also turns off automatically after eight hours of operation, leaving you stress-free.
Adjustable: The strap of the device is made from fabric and Velcro, so each user can adjust it to their comfort. Additionally, because the electrical pulse changes with a button you press on your wristband, you can adjust the intensity as needed.
Size: The Sleep Connection has a few reviews that suggest it is a bit large at first, but it decreases in size after use. It is 4 x 5.6 x 1.3 inches and weighs 0.8 pounds
What are the Pros and Cons of Sleep Connection?
Sleep Connection device can be adjusted to fit any individual’s needs.
It turns off on its own after not being used for eight hours.
The intensity of the electrical pulse is adjustable, meaning it will not hurt your body if you have sensitive skin or need more time to fall asleep.
Sleep Connection may take some getting used to wearing the device around your wrist all night long, as well as adjusting how close you wear it against your skin and which side of your arm/wrist should face outwards depending on what sleep position works best for you (i.e., stomach sleeper).
Additionally, while there are many Sleep Connection reviews that say they found no cons with this product, a few people report that they did not fall asleep faster and they were only able to sleep for about 30 minutes more at most.
What is Sleep Connection?
Snoring doesn’t just occur randomly. It is caused by a number of factors that have been confirmed. Such factors include the anatomy of the mouth and sinuses, the rate of alcoholic consumption, allergies, a cold, and body weight. When someone falls asleep, transitioning from a l assistant’`
“Just as you’re about to sleep, your partner’s loud snoring wakes you up. You try to sleep again, but the snoring continues. Many people don’t know they snore because they’re asleep.
Snoring is a common problem that can cause issues in relationships and change sleeping habits. It can be hard to tell if snoring is harmless or a sign of a serious sleep or breathing problem. A doctor may need to do a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea, which is when you stop breathing while asleep.
Most people snore sometimes, but it can be a problem for the person trying to sleep next to the snorer. Many people in the United States snore and are looking for a way to stop.
There are many tips and devices that claim to stop snoring, but they don’t always work. Be careful of anti-snoring devices that promise too much. There are over 300 anti-snoring devices with patents in the U.S., but a patent doesn’t mean they work.
One type of anti-snoring device to avoid is wrist bands or electronic shock bracelets. They don’t work. These products claim to stop snoring using advanced technology. The idea is that the wristband gives a small electronic shock to the wearer when they snore. But it’s not clear if any loud noise would cause a shock, which could disrupt sleep.
This technology is similar to dog bark collars. The collar gives a beep or two and then an electrical pulse when the dog barks. The goal is to train the dog not to bark. Some of these collars only use sound and vibration and don’t give an electrical shock.
But the wristband may shock the wearer. The shock is meant to startle the snorer to stop snoring. But it’s unlikely to work. The person wearing the wristband is not a dog and shouldn’t be treated like one.
First, it will probably wake up the wearer and disrupt their sleep, which may wake up their partner. While this may make the wearer change position to stop snoring, it may not work as well as hoped.
Second, the wearer will essentially have sleep apnea caused by the electronic shock. In other words, the wearer will be constantly woken up and may suffer from severe sleep deprivation.
Lastly, the wearer may not be able to stop snoring and the resulting electronic shock. This is like constant negative reinforcement. The wearer may have a hard time falling asleep if they’re afraid they’ll get an electric shock they can’t control.
Why is this anti-snoring device necessary?
Snoring can disturb everyone’s sleep in your home, and Sleep Connection directly addresses this issue with their new snore reduction system. It’s a personal solution for those who have trouble sleeping because of their own snoring or sleep apnea.
Sleep Connection keeps your airway open while you’re asleep without any user intervention other than wearing it to bed! It can also be worn under clothes, so no one has to know about your problem. I used to drool in my sleep, but this device has stopped that!
How does the Sleep Connection device work?
This product has two parts: a mouthguard and a breathing strip. The mouthpiece fits into your lower gums to keep the airway from collapsing when you sleep, while the strips at the back gently press on your nostrils to open them up for unrestricted airflow during sleep. I’ve been using both for about three weeks now and they’re very easy to use in bed before going to sleep!
I used to snore like Darth Vader, but my wife says she’s happy with how much quieter it has become since I started wearing these devices every night! So there’s no need to be embarrassed or worry about being
This anti-snoring device is a good choice for anyone looking to stop snoring. It works by detecting when the person starts snoring and then sends a small signal to their wrist. This makes them change their sleeping position, which stops the snoring.
Technical details about the Sleep Connection Wristband:
- The Sleep Connection anti-snoring wristband is made of a material called Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS).
- It is dark blue in color.
- It works automatically, so you don’t need to turn it on and off.
- The wristband is 4.5 cm tall and 1.3 cm wide.
- The main output is 0.2 Hz
- The power output rate is 180 uA.
- It has a feature that turns it off after eight hours of sleep.
- It will work automatically if the person wears it on their wrist.
- It has a feature that allows it to turn off after 8 hours.
- The wristband is made of synthetic and plastic material.
- The wristband should be worn on the wrist.
- It has a smart sensor that detects snoring sounds.
- The device has a central button that works as an ON/OFF switch.
- It has a quick LED display
- It has a snore detector
- It has a power button
- The signal strength can be adjusted
- It has conductive rubber on the bottom side
- It is powered by a battery
- It has a simple black design
Features of SleepConnection Anti Snoring Wristband:
- It is a great device for anyone who wants to stop snoring.
- The Sleep Connection wristband helps the person connect to their sleep. When they are well connected to their sleep, they will sleep better and live a healthier life.
- It Monitors The Sound In The Room: The device has a system that monitors the noise in the room. It will send a gentle signal to the snorer’s wrist when it hears snoring. This signal makes the brain tell the person’s body to change its sleeping position. This can help a lot with snoring, and the device can keep track of the noise all night long. It can send the signal as far as needed, so the snorer doesn’t have to worry about snoring.
How to use the Sleep Connection device?
- Put the Sleep Connection band on your wrist.
- Position the device on your wrist, with the arm that you sleep on facing outward. This means if you are a stomach sleeper, place it so that the inside of your wrist faces outwards and vice versa for side or back sleepers.
- The Sleep Connection should be worn close to the skin but not too tight.
- Adjusting where it’s worn will help determine which position suits you best when trying to fall asleep (i.e., stomach vs left side).
- For comfort, wear this device on the hand/wrist that does not move a lot during the night – i.e., if one has an injured right hand they should wear this band on their left wrist.
- The Sleep Connection device is worn on the inside of your arm, and should be positioned with the arm that one sleeps with facing outwards so if you sleep on your stomach it will be placed against your right hand/wrist and vice versa for side or back sleepers.
Sleep Connection Device Price and Money-Back Guarantee
- This anti-snoring solution is currently on sale for £39.99, down from its regular price of £66.65, saving over 53%.
- It’s worth trying considering it’s risk-free trial with up to 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Buy two and save money! The Sleep Connection maker also offers a guarantee. If you’re not happy or it doesn’t help your sleep in 30 days, you can get your money back!
Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects movement. It happens when nerve cells in a part of the brain are damaged or die. This damage gets worse over time and causes many symptoms.
Parkinson’s disease is known for causing problems with movement. These problems are called “motor symptoms”. They include stiff muscles, shaking that you can’t control (usually in your hands or legs), problems with balance or coordination, and very slow movements.
Parkinson’s disease can also cause other types of problems. These are called “non-motor symptoms”. They can affect your mood, sense of smell, or sight.
There is a connection between Parkinson’s disease and sleep, but scientists don’t fully understand it yet. Sometimes, Parkinson’s disease can cause problems with sleep. For example, a person might move around a lot during sleep. Other things, like treatments for Parkinson’s disease and emotional problems, can also affect sleep. Many people with Parkinson’s disease have trouble getting a good night’s sleep.
Many people with Parkinson’s disease have problems with sleep. In fact, up to 2 out of 3 people with Parkinson’s disease have had trouble sleeping.
Scientists are still trying to understand how Parkinson’s disease can cause sleep problems. They think it might be because of changes in brain chemicals, side effects of medication, mental health problems, or symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. For example, pain or needing to urinate at night can make it hard to sleep. Sleep apnea, which is common in later stages of Parkinson’s disease, can also disrupt sleep.
People with Parkinson’s disease can have different types of sleep problems. These can include trouble falling asleep, waking up many times during the night, feeling sleepy during the day, having very vivid dreams, or having emotional dreams or nightmares.
REM sleep behavior disorder is a condition that can affect up to half of people with Parkinson’s disease. It causes a person to move around during sleep, as if they are acting out their dreams. Some scientists think that REM sleep behavior disorder could be one of the first signs of Parkinson’s disease.
People with Parkinson’s disease often experience sleep disorders. These can include:
- Problems with the body’s internal clock (Circadian rhythm sleep disorders).
- Needing to urinate a lot during the night (Nocturia).
- Feeling like you need to move your legs (Restless legs syndrome).
- Problems with breathing during sleep (Sleep apnea). Not everyone with Parkinson’s disease has these problems. If they do happen, they can start before or after the person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Did you know that getting a good night’s sleep is really important for your mind? It might seem simple, but the quality of our sleep has a big effect on our mental health. So, think about how you sleep. Do you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day? Or do you find it hard to get a good night’s sleep?
These are questions that many of us have thought about. After all, sleep is really important for our health, and it can have a big effect on our mental health too.
Sleep and mental health are closely connected. When we don’t get enough good sleep, it can lead to problems with thinking and emotions. This can include feeling grumpy and forgetful, having mood swings, or even showing signs of depression. Poor sleep can affect our mental health.
In fact, studies have shown that people who show signs of depression and anxiety often have problems with sleep. This can include sleeping all day or having trouble falling asleep at night. It’s not just about feeling tired; it’s about the big effect that not getting enough sleep can have on our minds.
Sleep is really important for our mental health. When we sleep, our brains go through important processes that help control our emotions and restore our thinking abilities. Without enough sleep, these processes are disrupted, leading to mood swings, irritability, problems with concentration, and memory loss.
When we don’t get enough sleep or our sleep is interrupted, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Lack of sleep affects the production of certain chemicals in the brain that control mood, such as serotonin and dopamine. This imbalance can contribute to mood disorders and make it harder for us to handle stress.
Thus, lack of sleep not only affects our current mental state, but long-term sleep deprivation can also increase the risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that people with insomnia or poor sleep quality are more likely to show signs of depression and have a higher chance of developing depressive disorders over time.
While poor sleep quality can contribute to the development of depression, the relationship between sleep and depression is more complex. Some people with depression may find themselves sleeping a lot during the day and feeling tired despite getting enough sleep.
Sleeping all day might seem like a dream come true for some, but it could be a warning sign when it comes to your mental health. While it’s perfectly normal and even enjoyable to have lazy days every now and then, consistently sleeping a lot could be a sign of underlying problems such as depression. Depression can cause fatigue and feelings of hopelessness, leading to an increased desire to sleep for long periods.
If you find yourself sleeping all day and still feeling tired or lacking energy, it’s important to seek professional help. A healthcare provider can evaluate your symptoms and determine if there are underlying causes contributing to both your excessive sleepiness and feelings of depression.
If you are struggling with poor sleep quality, there are several steps you can take to improve it:
- Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes better sleep.
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Do things that help you relax before bed, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
- Make your bedroom sleep-friendly: Make sure your sleeping environment is cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillow that support a good night’s rest.
- Limit exposure to screens before bed: The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with your sleep cycle. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed and opt for relaxing activities instead.
- Avoid stimulants close to bedtime: Consuming caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol too close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. Try to limit these substances or avoid them altogether in the hours leading up to bedtime.”
Snoring Shock Devices Precautions: An electronic wristband made to stop snoring could be risky for people with a pacemaker or other electronic medical implants. The shock from the wristband is likely low voltage and safe, but it can be uncomfortable. It might not hurt, but who would want to sleep worrying about getting an electric shock?
The idea is that the person wearing it can do something to stop snoring and avoid the shock. But in reality, most people who snore would stop if they knew how. So, why would someone choose to get an electric shock to stop snoring if they could stop on their own?
These devices are made not to disturb the person’s partner, so they don’t use noise or vibration. It might be that noise and vibration would be more acceptable to the person wearing it, even though these might not work since you can’t train a person to stop snoring. The difference between dogs who bark and people who snore is that dogs choose to bark, and people don’t choose to snore.
Also, many of these wristbands use batteries and can’t be recharged. So, buying batteries often can be expensive. The wristbands are made to be worn for eight hours, but there’s no guarantee that the batteries will last all night.
Finally, these wristbands cost more than other devices, like mouthguards, which might actually stop a person from snoring.
Better Ways to Stop Snoring: One simple way to deal with any nose or allergy problems is to help keep the nose open. A person who snores could try using products like nasal saline, antihistamines, decongestants, nasal steroids, or allergy immunotherapy to make breathing easier, especially while lying down. However, external nasal strips or clips don’t really help with snoring, and neither do throat sprays.
The Sleep Connection Wristband: This wristband has a built-in biosensor system. The biosensor is made to identify snoring and tell it apart from other noise. The person who snores needs to put the sensor directly against their wrist skin, where the impulse will be sent. If the device isn’t working, they should make sure that the sensor is placed correctly and that the wristband isn’t too tight or too loose.
The wristband sends gentle impulses to the person’s skin when it detects snoring. The impulses are meant to stop the person from snoring and let their body change positions. The impulses are not strong enough to hurt, but they should be enough to stimulate their nerves. It’s also important to understand that these impulses will not affect their partner, and they won’t be disturbed if the wristband sends them.
The Sleep Connection’s wristband can be fully adjusted and is made to fit as many wrists as possible. However, it can be hard for those with smaller or wider wrists. People are advised not to try to wear the device if they find it too tight as it can cause injury. However, if the wristband is too loose, it won’t work as it should.
The Sleep Connection has an auto-off battery feature that is set to 8 hours by default. People can set the exact time limit based on how long they usually sleep. It’s not only easy to use, but it can also help them save their battery life. Remember to fully charge the wristband before using it, which should only take a few hours.
Many people are worried about invasive solutions, so they should know that the system is non-invasive. They can use it every night, and they don’t need someone else to operate it for them. The impulses are also gentle and will not cause pain or discomfort. The best part is that the system is not used or implemented in a hospital or clinic.
The Sleep Connection is very light and compact. People can carry it everywhere they go. They can also be sure that they will not be judged or stared at because it is so small and looks like a wristwatch. The portability makes it a great choice for people who have to travel and sleep because it means they can sleep deeply without waking others up.
The Sleep Connection anti-snoring wristband has a feature that lets you adjust the pulse frequency based on your preference. This is good for heavy sleepers because the normal pulse might not be enough for them to change their sleeping position. The best thing about this feature is that it can be easily changed as much as the person wants.
The wristband is easy to use and doesn’t have complicated features, so even people who aren’t good with technology can use it. All of the options can be set in a few seconds, and adjusting the device on their wrist is as easy as spelling their name. They can also just plug the device in and wait for it to charge. Overall, it’s one of the easiest devices to use, and people won’t have to spend a lot of time learning the controls.
Pros of Sleep Connection Armband:
- The band is flexible and easy to use.
- It doesn’t send strong or aggressive impulses, so it won’t wake the user up.
- The user can customize the pulse frequencies to high or low depending on their personal preferences.
- It allows them to have a good night’s sleep with their partner, which is good for their relationship.
- It looks nice and can even be worn in public.
- The device is lightweight and easy to wear because people hardly notice it.
- It has a few buttons.
- It only sends impulses when a person starts to snore.
- It has no negative side effects, so people won’t have to worry about their health.
Cons of Sleep Connection Armband:
- The Sleep Connection Anti-snoring wristband is only available in small quantities, so everyone is expected to buy it right away.
- Only the company’s online store offers the product at a lower price. Any offline retailer who sells the original product in-store almost doubles the price and consumers can’t afford to buy wholesale from offline retailers.
- Depending on where the user buys, there could be a slight delay in delivery.
- The buyer is expected to pay a small shipping fee. However, not everyone can afford the additional cost of having the wristband delivered to their place.
Do People Really Need This Sleep Connection Anti-Snoring Device?
If someone has a snoring problem, then they already know what the answer would be. Even if they don’t, they might have a friend, colleague, partner, or family member who snores. Buying the device for them or referring them to this honest Sleep Connection review shows that they care about their wellbeing.
One way to get the best user experience from a product is to try it and develop a personal experience with it. It doesn’t help if everyone keeps looking for user experiences if they are not ready to become one of those users. The Sleep Connection device is the type of anti-snoring solution everyone can check for themselves, regardless of their age or gender.
As previously stated, this Sleep Connection device is designed to allow people to have a restful, safe, and risk-free night’s sleep. This device truly has a performance rate of more than 80%. No one would mind using the anti-snoring product because it is so comfortable.
When it comes to snoring, several other factors, including sleep apnea, will help people stop snoring. Although some people will need to lose weight, others will require surgery to have their tonsils removed in the middle of the night to relieve the pressure on their throat.
If a person snores every night while they sleep or whenever they share a bed with their partner, Sleep Connection is one of the devices they need to get rid of snoring. Most of the time, that’s all they need to avoid snoring.
However, if they have an underlying health condition that is causing their snoring, they should seek medical treatment. Many people who are trying to stop snoring use this high-quality device to help them sleep better.
How Do People Use the Sleep Connection anti-snoring wristband?
The Sleep Connection anti-snoring wristband is very easy to use and can be worn by anyone. To set up the item, no special skills or technical expertise is needed.
Just put a battery into the wristband; when it is fully charged, unplug it; then wear it on the wrist and turn it on before going to bed. It’s that simple.
The Sleep Connection focuses on teaching users how to stop snoring by nerve stimulation. Even if the user receives minor shocks as impulses, it is not enough to wake the user from sleep, even if the user is a light sleeper.
The manufacturer of Sleep Connection guarantees a hassle-free and direct procedure that almost everyone can complete with ease. Only the two rubber elements must fit snugly around the wrist, and the wristband must be securely fastened. It should not, however, be overtightened. As a result, when snoring happens, the anti-snoring band collects signals and responds. That’s all there is to this great anti-snoring gadget.
“The Sleep Connection anti-snoring wristband has a built-in system that can tell the difference between snoring and other noises. The person who snores needs to put the sensor directly against their wrist skin, where the impulse will be sent. If the device isn’t working, they should make sure that the sensor is placed correctly and that the wristband isn’t too tight or too loose.
The wristband sends gentle impulses to the person’s skin when it detects snoring. The impulses are meant to stop the person from snoring and let their body change positions. The impulses are not strong enough to hurt, but they should be enough to stimulate their nerves. It’s also important to understand that these impulses will not affect their partner, and they won’t be disturbed if the wristband sends them.
The Sleep Connection’s wristband can be fully adjusted and is made to fit as many wrists as possible. However, it can be hard for those with smaller or wider wrists. People are advised not to try to wear the device if they find it too tight as it can cause injury. However, if the wristband is too loose, it won’t work as it should.
The Sleep Connection has an auto-off battery feature that is set to 8 hours by default. People can set the exact time limit based on how long they usually sleep. It’s not only easy to use, but it can also help them save their battery life. Remember to fully charge the wristband before using it, which should only take a few hours.
Many people are worried about invasive solutions, so they should know that the system is non-invasive. They can use it every night, and they don’t need someone else to operate it for them. The impulses are also gentle and will not cause pain or discomfort. The best part is that the system is not used or implemented in a hospital or clinic.”
Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep Connection:
Q: Is the Sleep Connection Device safe? A: Yes, it is. It’s made with FDA approved materials that are safe for skin. Plus, there’s a 30-day money back guarantee so you can try it without risk!
Q: Can children use this anti-snoring solution? A: No, it’s only for adults with snoring problems. But there might be other products like “Tickle My Tush” that could be better for kids. Talk to our customer service for the best advice.
Q: Can I use it with my CPAP machine? A: Yes, you can! The Sleep Connection Device is safe to use with your CPAP machine. Most of our customers use both at night.
Q: Can the Sleep Connection Device help with snoring? A: Yes, it can! It’s safe to use with your CPAP machine and can help reduce snoring.
Q: What does it feel like to sleep with a mouthpiece? A: The Sleep Connection Mouthpiece feels comfortable and natural. It can be worn with or without your CPAP machine. But it only works when it fits tightly around your nostrils.
Q: Will it work if I wear my glasses? A: Yes! The device doesn’t need your vision to know when you’re snoring. It has sensors that can detect even small changes in airflow from snoring or sleep apnea.
Q: Who else can benefit from using glasses with the device? A: Great question! If you’re worried about how it works without glasses, talk to our Customer Service Team. They can answer your questions or maybe even arrange a home demo with one of our eye doctors.
Q: How can I stop snoring? A: If you have a diagnosis and medication, follow your doctor’s advice. But there are simple things you can do too: don’t drink alcohol before bed; lose weight if you need to; sleep on your side or back; avoid too much caffeine before bed; and don’t smoke.”